0416 187 908

AHU Cleaning
What is an Air Handling Unit?
An Air Handling Unit or AHU is the device that does the major work in an Air Conditioning system. It consists of Air Filters, Fan, Heating Coils, etc. to condition unprocessed air from the exterior of buildings to a processed air with the desired humidity, temperature, and quality levels. Air Handling Units have a streamlined system for taking in air, filtering it, processing it, and supplying it where it is required. The air from the exterior is properly filtered by passing it through a high-tech structure of natural and man-made fibers.
Need for Cleaning and Replacement
With the passage of time, depending on the condition of the air outside, the filters get choked with dust and debris that they trap. These filters are essential elements of an Air Handling Unit that is an integral part of an Air Conditioning system. Regular cleaning and replacement of these filters is necessary for smooth running of the system ensuring clean and healthy air at least operational expenses. Housed in proper containers, the insides of Air Handling Units are inaccessible to normal cleaning operations. Professional Air Handling Unit cleaning ensures that all parts of an AHU are functioning at their maximum. Our AERIS-GUARD™ Bioactive Surface Treatment ensures prevention of bacteria/fungus growth for up to 12 months.
We provide quickest service possible without compromising on the quality of the work. Our one window services offer you a complete solution to your AHU cleaning needs.
Contact us now for a complete solution to your AHU Cleaning problems.