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0416 187 908

Duct Cleaning

The problem of contaminated ducts in Air Conditioned buildings is not limited to residential spaces alone. In commercial spaces the problem grows manifold. This is due to the presence of more people per square unit of area. A regular stream of customers further increases the pressure on the system. Our experts can show you that continuous exhausts from machinery such as photocopiers or from cigarette smoke exacerbate the problem. In addition to that, commercial areas are exposed to higher levels of vehicular smoke and pollutants as compared to residential areas.

This means that a person using an Air Conditioned commercial space is more likely to be exposed to harmful organisms than a person at home. Simple cleaning of the exposed system does not eliminate the risk posed by organisms that are growing inside the hidden ducts running all over the place. Resulting in a need for professional Commercial Duct Cleaning experts with access to the latest technology and a team of committed, trained and experienced technicians. A professional Commercial Duct Cleaning operation ensures a commercial space with cleaner, fresh air that invites more repeat customers ensuring better business.

Need for Regular Maintenance

Ideally all air conditioning ducts should be periodically cleaned and/or replaced as the case may be. The cleaning/replacement period is dependent on many factors such as the daily usage of the equipment, number of users, external environmental conditions, external traffic load, surrounding building activity, etc. A professionally prepared Residential and Commercial Duct Cleaning Maintenance Schedule helps in saving costly expenses and precious lives. Experts at IAQ Services can guide you in developing a maintenance schedule taking into consideration all factors involved.

IAQ Services has a long list of satisfied repeat clients that speak of our professionalism and adherence to high standards of quality.

Contact us now for a complete solution to your Duct cleaning problems.

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