0416 187 908

Reduce Build Cost
AeroBarrier allows new levels of efficiency that will prevent common waste-traps throughout the construction process.

Remove the guesswork and complete your air sealing in a third of the time it would take with traditional hand sealing.

A tightly sealed home allows a smaller HVAC system and ductwork. A reduction of just 0.5 tons can save you more than $800.

The average cost to hire a certified blower door technician is $450. The cost of failure quickly drives up fees.

Removing air leakage allows insulation to perform as it was designed. Get more out of your fiberglass or spray foam insulation.
Reducing energy demand reduces the amount of solar panels required to offset utility bills. The average cost of a single solar panel is $535.
Sydney, Australia
Labour Can be Unpredictable
Aeroseal Envelope removes the labour inconsistencies of time and quality, placing air sealing in a single, guaranteed process. Air sealing isn’t just the responsibility of framers, plasterurs and insulation companies. With an average of 22 sub-contractors involved in a single build, it becomes difficult to manage air sealing from start to finish. Unfortunately, tight schedules and miscommunication increase the odds of penetrations not being sealed prior to surfaces being installed, making them inaccessible.The good news is that the Aeroseal Envelope air sealing system can be applied at any stage of the build and correct any missed sealing in just a few hours –even leaks in inaccessible areas, with precision. This provides worry free, guaranteed air sealing results in up to 1/3 of the time it would usually take. Aeroseal Envelope not only reduces labour costs on the front end, it removes costly rework on the back end, removes the cost of additional compliance attempts and the worry of holding costs for not meeting deadlines.